Archive for August 2012

Dummy Data Generator tool

GenerateData is a free, open source script written in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL that lets you quickly generate large volumes of custom data in a variety of formats for use in testing software, populating databases.


Datagenerator is a library and GUI for generating rule based test data for various databases like Mysql, Firebird, Interbase, MSSQL, Oracle, SQLite and PostgreSQL.


Data generator tool which supports many data types (primitive data types,but also names,addresses,post codes,etc.) and generates data in various formats (text,xml,db).It provides a GUI and is extensible by means of plugging-in new data-generator classes.

Spawner Data Generator

Spawner is a generator of sample/test data for databases. It can be configured to output delimited text or SQL insert statements. It can also insert directly into a MySQL 5.x database. Includes many field types, most of which are configurable.


DBMonster is a tool that generates random test data and inserts it into SQL database.

for each statements with arrays in php


$birds= array('Parrots' =>
array('Kakapo','Kea ','Vernal Hanging Parrot'),

'Cuckoos and Turacos'=>
array('Purple-crested Turaco','Grey Go-away-bird','Great Blue Turaco'));
//display all

//for new line
echo '<br><br><br>';

// with foreach() display only main array
foreach($birds as $category => $sub){

echo '<b>'.$category.'<br></b>';

//for new line
echo '<br><br>';

// with foreach() display main array and sub arrays
foreach($birds as $category => $sub1){
echo '<b>'.$category.'<br></b>';
foreach($sub1 as $sub2)
echo $sub2.'<br>';

output ;

Array ( [Parrots] => Array ( [0] => Kakapo [1] => Kea [2] => Vernal Hanging Parrot ) [Cuckoos and Turacos] => Array ( [0] => Purple-crested Turaco [1] => Grey Go-away-bird [2] => Great Blue Turaco ) )

Cuckoos and Turacos

Vernal Hanging Parrot
Cuckoos and Turacos
Purple-crested Turaco
Grey Go-away-bird
Great Blue Turaco

Image-Resize class for PHP

Resizing images in PHP is easier with Image-Resize class. You can use it to create thumbnail images or resizing big images to desired size.

To use, just include image.class.php to your PHP file or where you are using resizing function. Then create new variable with an iresize() class object then use functions which comes with Image-resize class.

Example usage;
  require "image.class.php";
  $resize = new iresize();

iresize->img($source_filename) is where we are loading image to resize
->size("500x500") is for entering desired image size
->render("test-resized.jpg") is for final result. emptry/filename with extension

Download / Source

PHP comments

Normally to understand PHP code we use comments. We use comments to make PHP code more readable and understandable. Suppose you write a complex code and two years later you need to add new functionality in that code. But when you open your code you do not understand the code because you did not use comment in your code.
Below some strategies are given for you. We make comment in two ways.
(1)    One line comment
(2)     Two or more lines of comment.

One line comment
If the comments do not exceed one line then we call it one line comment or single line comment. We use // symbol to represents php one line comment. See the example below
<? Php
/ / This line show the hello everyone
echo "Hello Everyone, This is My First PHP Code";

Two or more line comments
If your comment exceeds one number of line you can use double or more line comments. See the example below.

<? Php
/ * This line show the hello everyone
And also it print my first program
* /
echo "Hello Everyone, This is My First PHP Code";

Propel NestedSet inheritance problem

Error message

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PropelException' with message 'Call to undefined method: makeRoot' in /usr/share/php/propel/om/BaseObject.php:325

You need to replace inheritance classes for nested set. In your model class, find and replace.
class Contents extends BaseContents

with this
class Contents extends BaseContentsNestedSet

also find and replace
class ContentsPeer extends BaseContentsPeer

with this
class ContentsPeer extends BaseContentsNestedSetPeer

You are now good to go.

crack facebook password facebook

Whoo Weee! Hack Facebook Password are fast! Easy and straight up business to hack facebook password instantly. The information obtained may have helped change/save a life. Thank you so much Hack Facebook Password! I'll contact again for sure! Cheers! hacking facebook free

BTW, I found another website which is providing for free a free facebook hacking software and other one specialized in hack into someone's facebook password, hack facebook account id number.

Jordan N. Wilson, New York


Related articles:
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Removing Cache from the page

There are two methods of avoiding a page to be stored in browser cache. 1st method is better because each browser interprete Meta tag differently.

1. Using the PHP Header. Use the following code before rendering any output to the browser.
    header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
    header('Pragma: no-cache');
    header('Expires: Mon,26 Jul 1980 05:00:00 GMT');
    header("Last-Modified: Tue,01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT");

2. Using the HTML Meta tag.
    <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=0" />
    <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />
    <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" />
    <meta http-equiv="expires" content="Tue, 01 Jan 1980 1:00:00 GMT" />
    <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />

set Cookies in php



setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain);


//it expires after 5 seconds
setcookie("user", "human", time()+5);
//it expires after 60 sec or 1 min
setcookie("user", "human", time()+60);
//it expires after 3600 sec or 1 hour
setcookie("user", "human", time()+3600);

//expire using varable
//it expires after 10 seconds
setcookie("visitor", "humans", time()+$time);

// note : normally "echo" not use in "setcookies" file

output :

note :

1)no output display here
2)but cookies set

associative arrays in php




// 'A' is not equal to 'a' in arrays index
// '.' use for concatenation

echo '<br><br><br>'.
echo $alphabate['a'].'<br>';
echo $alphabate['B'].'<br>';
echo $alphabate['b'].'<br>';
echo $alphabate['C'].'<br>';
echo $alphabate['c'].'<br>';
echo $alphabate['D'].'<br>';
echo $alphabate['d'].'<br>';
echo $alphabate['E'].'<br>';
echo $alphabate['e'].'<br>';


output :

Array ( [A] => APPLE [a] => apple [B] => BALL [b] => ball [C] => CAT [c] => cat [D] => DOLL [d] => doll [E] => ELEPHANT [e] => elephant )


PHP increment and decrement operators

In PHP the ++ and the -- sign are increment and decrement operators. Increment means increase and decrement means decrease that means increment operator increase the variable value and decrement operator decrease the variable value.

The PHP increment operator increases it's variable value by one and the PHP decrement operator decreases it's variable value by one.

Suppose that we have a variable $x. We want to increase it's value one. Consider the statement below 
$x=10 but we want to increase it's value one so that the new form is 
We can rewrite this by using PHP increment operator
Similarly in PHP decrement operator we can write $x--; 

Each PHP increment and decrement operators has two types: 
(++$x) Pre-increment : It first increment $x value one and then return the value of $X.

($x++) Post-increment :It first return $x value and then increment the value of $x.
(--$x) Pre-decrement : It first decrement $x value one and then return the value of $x.

($x--) Post-decrement : It return $x value and then decrement one.

Now we want to see an example that describe how actually works PHP increment and decrement operators.
echo ++$a;
echo "<br>";
echo $a++;
echo "<br>";
echo --$b;
echo "<br>";
echo $b--;


FindProxyForURL - Parse a PAC (proxy auto config) file in PHP

A PAC file is a Javascript file evaluated by web browsers to determine which proxy server to use for certain URL's.

Here's a working example of using the php_spidermonkey extension to run a proxy auto config script (javascript) in PHP.

All you need is a PAC file to test it.  You can write your own following instructions across the web, here is a guide:

There is more information and Windows builds of php_spidermonkey in this article: Javascript in PHP on Windows with php_spidermonkey.  Install the extension dll in PHP in the usual way.

Here is a snippet of code that uses the class 'CProxy' (defined underneath) which executes the Javascript PAC function FindProxyForURL:

Code formatted by
use DEMO\PAC\CProxy; // namespace, if required.
$proxy = new CProxy();
$proxy->LoadPAC('C:\proxy.pac'); // pac file is usually a URL
$test = $proxy->FindProxyForAddress('', true);
echo $test;

Assuming your PAC file contained something like this:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
if ( shExpMatch(host, "*.google.*") )
return "PROXY; DIRECT";
return "DIRECT";

this snippet would print:

Definition of class CProxy - it utilises and demonstrates some of the following:
  1. PHP 5.4 - uses namespaces to show how they work in this scenario, and traits.
  2. php_spidermonkey javascript interpreter
  3. PAC (proxy-auto-config) functions 

/* This example uses a namespace, just to show how it works inside namespaces.
Namespace can be removed. */

namespace DEMO\PAC;
use \JSContext, \Exception;

if ( !defined('JSVERSION_DEFAULT') )
error_log(__FILE__ . 'CProxy not loaded, php_spidermonkey extension not detected!');
// global function to escape javascript strings: 
function js($str, $quotes = '\'"')
return addcslashes($str,"\\$quotes\n\r<>");
class CProxy 
use PACFunctions; // include traits in this class, defined below.

private $pac, $js, $proxyconfig;

function __construct($pacfile=NULL, $strictJavascript=false)
// requires php_spidermonkey.dll extension.
$js = new JSContext();

if ( $strictJavascript )
$opts = $js->getOptions() | JSOPTION_STRICT | JSOPTION_WERROR;
$prev = $js->setOptions($opts);

$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::myIpAddress', 'myIpAddress');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::isPlainHostName', 'isPlainHostName');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::dnsDomainIs', 'dnsDomainIs');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::localHostOrDomainIs', 'localHostOrDomainIs');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::isResolvable', 'isResolvable');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::isInNet', 'isInNet');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::dnsResolve', 'dnsResolve');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::dnsDomainLevels', 'dnsDomainLevels');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::shExpMatch', 'shExpMatch');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::weekdayRange', 'weekdayRange');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::dateRange', 'dateRange');
$js->registerFunction(__NAMESPACE__.'\CProxy::timeRange', 'timeRange');
// I don't know what ProxyConfig is used for:
$this->proxyconfig = new \stdClass();
$this->proxyconfig->bindings = array();
$js->assign('ProxyConfig', $this->proxyconfig);

$this->js = $js;

function FindProxyForAddress($address, $raw=false)
/* returns an array of proxy servers
(from preg_match_all),
or, if $raw is true, returns
the original string returned by
FindProxyForURL function. */

if ( !$this->pac )
return false;

$parts = parse_url($address);
$url = $address;

if ( !isset($parts['port']) )
$port = '';
else if ( ($port=$parts['port']) )
$port = ':' . $port;

if ( !isset($parts['host']) )
/* $address is badly formed, not sure if this is right, but
* return it from the beginning to the first slash. */
if ( !isset($parts['path']) )
return false;
$parts['host'] = preg_replace('/(.*?)(?>\/.*$|$)/', '$1', $parts['path']);

$host = $parts['host'] . $port;

if ( !($rv=$this->js->evaluateScript('FindProxyForURL(\'' . js($url) . '\', \'' . js($host) . '\');', 'FindProxyForURL')) || $raw )
return $rv;
catch ( Exception $ex )
return false;
return self::ReadPacResult($rv);

function LoadPAC($pac)
if ( $this->pac )
return NULL; // already loaded

if ( $pac === NULL || !$this->js )
return false; // param error or not initialised properly

if ( !($script = file_get_contents($pac)) )
return false; // cannot read PAC file

$rv = $this->js->evaluateScript($script, $pac);
catch ( Exception $ex )
return false;

$this->pac = $script;
return true;

public static function ReadPacResult($pacres)
if ( !$pacres )
return false;

// $pacres should be something like
if ( !preg_match_all('/(PROXY|SOCKS|DIRECT)\s*([^;]*|.*?$)/ui', $pacres, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) )
return false;
return $matches;

    PAC functions written as a trait class (remember - not tested very much!):

    Code formatted by
    /* Define the PAC traits used in class CProxy, above. */

    namespace DEMO\PAC;
    use \DateTime, \DateTimeZone, \Exception;

    trait PACFunctions
    private static $s_myIP;

    * PAC functions:
    * 'global' functions to replicate javascript PAC environment...

    static function myIpAddress()
    if ( self::$s_myIP )
    return self::$s_myIP;

    $vars = array('SERVER_ADDR', 'LOCAL_ADDR');
    $ip = NULL;
    $bestip = '';

    foreach ( $vars as $var )
    if ( isset($_SERVER[$var]) )
    $ip = $_SERVER[$var];
    if ( !empty($ip) )
    if ( $ip != '' )
    return (self::$s_myIP = $ip);
    $bestip = $ip;

    if ( ($hn = gethostname()) && ($ip = gethostbyname($hn)) && $ip !== $hn )
    return (self::$s_myIP=$ip);

    return (self::$s_myIP=$bestip);

    static function isPlainHostName( $host )
    return strpos($host, '.')===false;

    static function shExpMatch($host, $pattern)
    $parts = explode('*', $pattern);
    $pattern = '';
    foreach( $parts as $part )
    if ( $part === '' )
    $pattern .= '.*?';
    $pattern .= preg_quote($part, '/');
    return preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'$/ui', $host)===1;

    static function isResolvable($host)
    if ( ip2long($host) !== false )
    return true;
    $test = gethostbyname($host);
    return $test && ip2long($test) !== false;

    static function isInNet($host, $ip, $subnet)
    if ( ($longhost = ip2long($host)) === false )
    $host = gethostbyname($host);
    if ( ($longhost = ip2long($host))===false )
    return false;
    $longip = ip2long($ip);
    $longsub = ip2long($subnet);
    return ($longhost&$longsub) == $longip;

    static function dnsDomainIs($host, $domain)
    $len = strlen($domain);
    return $len <= strlen($host) && substr($host, -$len)==$domain;

    static function localHostOrDomainIs($host, $domain)
    return strcasecmp($domain, substr($host, 0, strlen($domain)))===0;

    static function dnsResolve($host)
    return gethostbyname($host);

    static function dnsDomainLevels($host)
    return substr_count($host, '.');

    static function weekdayRange($fr, $to=NULL, $gmt=NULL)
    $days = array('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun');
    $fr = strtolower(substr($fr,0,3));
    if ( $gmt )
    $gmt = strtoupper($gmt);
    if ( $to === NULL )
    $to = $fr;
    else if ( strcasecmp($to, 'GMT')==0 )
    $to = $fr;
    $gmt = 'GMT';
    $to = strtolower(substr($to,0,3));

    if ( $gmt == 'GMT' )
    $tzn = 'UTC';
    else if ( !($tzn = ini_get('date.timezone')) )
    $tzn = 'Europe/London';
    $tz = new DateTimeZone($tzn);
    $today = strtolower( (new DateTime('now',$tz))->format('D') );

    foreach ( $days as $wd=>$day )
    if ( $fr == $day )
    $fr = $wd+1;
    if ( $to == $day )
    $to = $wd+1;
    if ( $today == $day )
    $today = $wd+1;

    if ( !(int)$today || !(int)$fr || !(int)$to )
    return false;

    // FRI = 5
    // MON = 1
    // THU = 4
    // is THU in FRI - MON ??
    if ( $fr > $to )
    return $today >= $fr || $today <= $to;

    return $today >= $fr && $today <= $to;

    static function dateRange($day1, $month1=NULL, $year1=NULL, $day2=NULL, $month2=NULL, $year2=NULL, $gmt=NULL)
    $args = array($day1, $month1, $year1, $day2, $month2, $year2, $gmt);

    $RationaliseArgs = function(&$arg)
    $isgmt = 0;

    for ( $ct=0 ; $ct < 6 ; $ct += 3 )
    if ( (int)$arg[$ct] > 31 )
    // 1st arg is a year, insert blank day and month
    array_splice($arg, $ct, 0, array(0,''));
    else if ( (int)$arg[$ct] )
    // 1st arg is day
    if ( (int)$arg[$ct+1] )
    // 2nd arg must be a day. 2nd arg can't be year if 1st arg is a day.
    array_splice($arg, $ct+1, 0, array('',0)); // insert blank month and year
    else if ( $arg[$ct+1]===NULL || strcasecmp($arg[$ct+1], 'GMT')==0 )
    // nothing else after the day.
    array_splice($arg, $ct+1, 0, array('',0)); // insert blank month and year.
    else if ( (int)$arg[$ct+2] && (int)$arg[$ct+2] <= 31 ) // month supplied, test what's after month
    // month followed by day... insert blank year...
    array_splice($arg, $ct+2, 0, array(0)); // insert empty year1 and shift arg2 to 2nd date.
    else if ( is_string($arg[$ct]) )
    if ( strcasecmp($arg[$ct], 'GMT')==0 )
    if ( !$ct )
    return false; // error, 1st arg cannot be 'GMT'.
    // 1st arg is month
    array_splice($arg, $ct, 0, array(0)); // insert a blank day.
    if ( (int)$arg[$ct+2] <= 31 ) // month not followed by a year
    // insert a blank year...
    array_splice($arg, $ct+2, 0, array(0));
    if ( $ct && $arg[$ct] === NULL ) // only 1 date supplied. ok.
    return 1;
    return false; // error

    if ( strcasecmp($arg[$ct], 'GMT')==0 )
    $isgmt = 1;
    $arg[$ct] = 'GMT';

    array_splice($arg, 7);

    return $ct/3;

    if ( !($cd = $RationaliseArgs($args, $gmt)) )
    return false;

    list($day1, $month1, $year1, $day2, $month2, $year2, $gmt) = $args;

    if ( $gmt == 'GMT' )
    $tzn = 'UTC';
    else if ( !($tzn = ini_get('date.timezone')) )
    $tzn = 'Europe/London';
    $tz = new DateTimeZone($tzn);
    $now = new DateTime('now',$tz);

    $thisyear = $now->format('Y');
    $thismonth = 'Jan'; // a month with 31 days.
    $thisday = $now->format('d');

    $from = new \DateTime(($year1 ? $year1 : $thisyear) . '-' . ($month1 ? $month1 : $thismonth) . '-' . ($day1 ? $day1 : $thisday), $tz);
    if ( !$day1 )
    $day2 = 0;
    if ( !$month1 )
    $month2 = '';
    if ( !$year1 )
    $year2 = 0;
    if ( $day2 || $month2 || $year2 )
    $to = new \DateTime(($year2 ? $year2 : $thisyear) . '-' . ($month2 ? $month2 : $thismonth) . '-' . ($day2 ? $day2 : $thisday), $tz);
    $to = NULL;
    catch ( Exception $ex )
    return false; // data error, an arg is incorrect

    $dateformat = ($year1 ? 'Y' : '') . ($month1 ? 'm' : '') . ($day1 ? 'd' : '');

    $test = $now->format($dateformat);
    $lhs = $from->format($dateformat);

    if ( !$to )
    return $test == $lhs;

    $rhs = $to->format($dateformat);
    if ( $rhs < $lhs && $dateformat{0} != 'Y' )
    return $test >= $lhs || $test <= $rhs;
    return $test >= $lhs && $test <= $rhs;

    static function timeRange($hour1, $min1=NULL, $sec1=NULL, $hour2=NULL, $min2=NULL, $sec2=NULL, $gmt=NULL)
    $args = array($hour1, $min1, $sec1, $hour2, $min2, $sec2, $gmt);
    for ( $ct=0 ; $ct < count($args) && $args[$ct] !== NULL && strcasecmp($args[$ct], 'GMT') ; ++$ct ) ;

    if ( !$ct )
    return false; // arg error

    if ( ($gmt = (strcasecmp($args[$ct], 'GMT')==0)) )
    $tzn = 'UTC';
    else if ( !($tzn = ini_get('date.timezone')) )
    $tzn = 'Europe/London';
    $tz = new DateTimeZone($tzn);
    $now = new DateTime('now',$tz);

    /* $ct is the number of args (excluding any 'GMT' value).
    * if 6 args supplied, full time specified, else... */
    if ( $ct == 4 ) // range of hours+minutes
    // hour and minute supplied
    $min2 = $hour2;
    $hour2 = $sec1;
    $sec1 = $sec2 = 0;
    $fmt = 'Hi';
    else if ( $ct < 3 ) // range of hours (1 or 2)
    $hour2 = ($ct==2 ? $min1 : $hour1);
    $min1 = $sec1 = $min2 = $sec2 = 0;
    $fmt = 'H';
    else if ( $ct == 6 )
    $fmt = 'His';
    return false; // parameters not specified properly

    $lhs = new \DateTime( ($dt=$now->format('Y-m-d')) . ' ' . (int)$hour1 . ':' . (int)$min1 . ':' . $sec1, $tz);
    $rhs = (( $ct == 1 ) ? NULL : new \DateTime( $dt . ' ' . (int)$hour2 . ':' . (int)$min2 . ':' . $sec2, $tz));
    catch ( Exception $ex )
    // datetime not recognised, so parameter probably out of range
    return false;

    $nowtime = $now->format($fmt);
    $ltime = $lhs->format($fmt);
    if ( $rhs === NULL )
    return $nowtime == $ltime;
    $rtime = $rhs->format($fmt);
    if ( $ltime > $rtime )
    return $nowtime >= $ltime || $nowtime <= $rtime;
    return $nowtime >= $ltime && $nowtime <= $rtime;

    ADODB with PHP and oracle

    Oracle is the popular commercial database which is being used with the PHP.There are vaious ways to connect to oracle database.ADODB library is one of the fastest way to connect php with the oracle database.It has Has multi-tier design. Simple high-level design for beginners, and also lower-level advanced Oracle functionality.ADODB provide very high speed databse connectivity with catching and fastest database abstaction.It also allow multiple prepare statement.

    An example to connect php with oracle using ADODB library is as follows.

    $db = NewADOConnection("oci8");
    $db->Connect($tnsName, "scott", "tiger");

    $rs = $db->Execute("select * from emp where empno>:emp order by empno",
    array('emp' => 7900));
    while ($arr = $rs->FetchRow())

    The Execute( ) function returns a recordset object, and you can retrieve the rows returned using $recordset->FetchRow( ).
    You can also query the database using the standard Microsoft ADO MoveNext( ) metaphor. The data array for the current row is stored in the fields property of the recordset object, $rs. MoveNext( ) offers the highest performance among all the techniques for iterating through a recordset:

    $rs = $db->Execute("select * from emp where empno>:emp", array('emp' => 7900));
    while (!$rs->EOF) {

    For easy pagination support, we provide the SelectLimit function. The following will perform a select query, limiting it to 100 rows, starting from row 201 (row 1 being the 1st row):

    $offset = 200; $limitrows = 100;
    $rs = $db->SelectLimit('select * from table', $limitrows, $offset);


    You can define a database cache directory using $ADODB_CACHE_DIR, and cache the results of frequently used queries that rarely change. This is particularly useful for SQL with complex where clauses and group-by's and order-by's. It is also good for relieving heavily-loaded database servers.The following example will cache the following select statement for 7200 seconds

    $ADODB_CACHE_DIR = '/var/tmp';
    $rs = $db->CacheExecute(7200, "select names from allcountries order by 1");
    Using Prepare statements

    Prepare( ) is for compiling frequently used SQL statement for reuse. For example, suppose we have a large array which needs to be inserted into an Oracle database. The following will result in a massive speedup in query execution (at least 20-40%), as the SQL statement only needs to be compiled once: