Archive for October 2013

How to hack Facebook account

Hacking facebook seemed impossible until we presented hack Facebook pro, Facebook has truly great security features since it holds personal information for 1 billion people. Through the last several years we have spent time and money to develop a method that can overcome the obstacles facebook security team is using to keep us away from Hacking Facebook Account Passwords.

Although everything that can be locked, can be unlocked, and now after time and money well spent we can present to you our tool, hack facebook pro. Oh and boy does it work.. When we started testing it we felt like gods!! The feeling to be able to see the private messages of Everyone! It’s just too powerfull to be made public. At least in its original form. So we decided to exclude from our database profile passwords from celebrities, famous people politicians and such, to avoid unwanted publicity.

We are willing to give you though a more downgraded version of hack facebook pro that it still has access to the facebook profile passwords database and can decipher every account password except of profiles we consider V.I.P.

The one question that nobody would like to miss an answer to is How to hack Facebook account. True indeed, it would be fun and even useful at times to intrude another person’s Facebook account. This is because Facebook forms an integral part of a person’s social life. Let us see some ways in which we can actually hack somebody’s Facebook account.

How to Hack Facebook Account. Keylogger is the perfect way to get somebody’s password information. It works in the background and the person won’t even know that his or her password is being traced. However, the person must log in to the account from the system that has the key logging software in it. WinSpy is one such useful Keylogger. But beware of the crack or free version available online as many a times they are nothing but Trojan horse which poses a threat to your own Facebook account.

Manipulate account option – On Facebook there is an option for recovery. You need to just mention there that even your primary email address has been hacked. Facebook will verify your details by asking questions like name some friends, full name etc. If at all you know the person very well, you will easily be able to answer the questions that Facebook would ask for verification. Replace it with the email id that you have access to. The recovery option in Facebook also comes with the option of 4 of your friends who can get the notification of the recovery email. You can hence use 4 of the person’s friends in order to get access to the recovery email. Use the already existing friends on the profile or create four fake profiles.

SEO Friendly PHP content management system

SEO friendly CMS are utilized for stocking, maneuvering describing, trade particular documents, articles, technical know - how, brochures or any form of content propagation. SEO can enhance content management in media of vision computer files, audio video content electronic data and web scripts.

Simplicity with accuracy SEO friendly CMS focuses on compatible and comprehensive application where a layman can make and deal with the website.

Liberty for trimming and modification.

CMS is SEO friendly when it enables and boards any modification to create a SEO complacent sight. Contrary to this, if the CMS restricts or inhibits any of these traits then it ebbs down to be search engine, betrayer, losing the gem of friendliness.

Sky is the limit – The sparkle that CMS facilitates boundless needs.

One of the features of friendly content management system is to have structured in management to safeguard imitation of page content. Another important brood is to attain customized URL structures / redirects.

It is a fundamental to customize or explain personal URL name and composition.

The golden comrade is a CMS esteems a user friendly resolution for implementing redirects were essential.

PHP development is intricate and current trend for CMS Web Development and web development PHP enhances CMS.

Prior to seeking a CMS it is important to discipline targets for the web site. CMS choice is coherent to trade framework, business goal & market tendency. Though user friendly CMS are personalized and goal – oriented.

CMS innately implements topnotch SEO proceeding.

A content management system outlaid for SEO motive should have fundamentals by accuracy; customized heading, Meta tags for diverse pages, enforcing precise customized tags.

Several SEO friendly content management system need add-on modules, but on the whole, most prefer to manipulate and reprimand the system parallel to their individual need and choice.

Proprietary CMS are particularized to single individual site.

Open source system overall are free and get a boast, on the whole from large group of society. They usually illustrate diverse modules templates to ramp personal SEO demands. Avoid entangling web site the actual need is simplification. Exaggerated CMS is superficial; a transparent, simple CMS can be efficient for a target.

But trust your instincts for the features and competent gauges that CMS comply to SEO. Content Management System preference is personalized and CMS actually replicates to each person.

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What is PHP and MySQL

What Is PHP?

PHP is the Web development language written by and for Web developers. PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The product was originally named Personal Home Page Tools, and many people still think that’s what the acronym stands for. But as it expanded in scope, a new and more appropriate (albeit GNU-ishly recursive) name was selected by community vote. PHP is currently in its fifth major rewrite, called PHP5 or just plain PHP.

PHP is a server-side scripting language, which can be embedded in HTML or used as a standalone binary (although the former use is much more common). Proprietary products in this niche are Microsoft’s Active Server Pages, Macromedia’s ColdFusion, and Sun’s Java Server Pages. Some tech journalists used to call PHP “the open source ASP” because its functionality is similar to that of the Microsoft product — although this formulation was misleading, as PHP was developed before ASP. Over the past few years, however, PHP and server-side Java have gained momentum, while ASP has lost mindshare, so this comparison no longer seems appropriate. You can think of it as a collection of super-HTML tags or small programs that run inside your Web pages — except on the server side, before they get sent to the browser. For example, you can use PHP to add common headers and footers to all the pages on a site or to store form-submitted data in a database.

Strictly speaking, PHP has little to do with layout, events, on the fly DOM manipulation, or really anything about what a Web page looks and sounds like. In fact, most of what PHP does is invisible to the end user. Someone looking at a PHP page will not necessarily be able to tell that it was not written purely in HTML, because usually the result of PHP is HTML.

PHP is an official module of Apache HTTP Server, the market-leading free Web server that runs about 67 percent of the World Wide Web (according to the widely quoted Netcraft Web server survey). This means that the PHP scripting engine can be built into the Web Server itself, leading to faster processing, more efficient memory allocation, and greatly simplified maintenance. Like Apache Server, PHP is fully cross-platform, meaning it runs native on sev-eral flavors of Unix, as well as on Windows and now on Mac OS X. All projects under the aegis of the Apache Software Foundation — ncluding PHP — are open source software.

What Is MySQL?

MySQL (pronounced My Ess Q El) is an open source, SQL Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that is free for many uses (more detail on that later). Early in its history, MySQL occasionally faced opposition due to its lack of support for some core SQL constructs such as subselects and foreign keys. Ultimately, however, MySQL found a broad, enthusiastic user base for its liberal licensing terms, perky performance, and ease of use. Its acceptance was aided in part by the wide variety of other technologies such as PHP, Java, Perl, Python, and the like that have encouraged its use through stable, well-documented modules and extensions. MySQL has not failed to reward the loyalty of these users with the addition of both subselects and foreign keys as of the 4.1 series.

Databases in general are useful, arguably the most consistently useful family of software products —the “killer product” of modern computing. Like many competing products, both free and commercial, MySQL isn’t a database until you give it some structure and form. You might think of this as the difference between a database and an RDBMS (that is, RDBMS plus user requirements equals a database).

There’s lots more to say about MySQL, but then again, there’s lots more space in which to say it.

Mountain Hiking With Your Dog

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Diane Calhoun, Lincoln


If you are a nature lover and often go jungle trekking with your pet dog, you would have How To Hack Yahoo Password dangers along the way that would have been harmful to your dog, as it may cause it injuries or even be threatening to its life. To ensure that you and your dog would be guarded against these hazards along the terrain you like to travel on, here are some areas you should avoid and keep your dog how to hack a password on facebook from.

Mountains provide beautiful views and sceneries, and a lot of people hack hotmail password climbing one to spend some quality time there with his dog. There are many dangers along the mountainside, such as the height, and the drop-off cliffs.

Dogs, unlike humans, usually have no fear of heights. In this case, ignorance is bliss. A dog can actually walk alongside the cliff a mile high and would not be concerned with the dangers of falling off at all. When they actually do slip and lose their balance, there is almost nothing they can do to save themselves from falling over the side. There are many areas at edges of cliffs which may be concealed by snow and a dog would not realize that mistake when it is too late.

Besides the dangers of falling over cliffs, there is also the danger of high How To Hack Hotmail Password which is harmful to your dog. Older dogs may have difficulties breathing at higher altitudes, and that may result in a tragic death. If your dog has health issues such as heart problems, lung problems or if they are a brachycephalic breed (short-nosed), do try to keep them away from high altitudes as it is more hazardous for them.
how to hack someone's facebook account
As we all are aware, oxygen supply decreases as one reaches higher altitudes. Your dogs body is not accustomed to this and it may hack program shortness of breath, or even altitude sickness. Bear in mind that if you started hiking with your dog on a hot day at a low altitude and ended up being in a cold weather at high altitudes at the peak, both of you may not be prepared for the changes that will take place.

For more information on Dog Hiking or visit, a popular website that offers information on Dogs, Dog Training, and Dog Breeds. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks

Avoid space in your code

In this tip and trick, I’m going to explain how to make code optimization on your application. The main purpose of this code optimization is to get more faster code execution. The elementary key is by writing code effectively and efficiently. Because PHP codes going to execute every time they are requested.

Avoid space in your code

Avoid using many spaces ( ) is a good thing. Every space is 1 byte and every tab (\t) is 1 byte. When you’re using four spaces, you’ve been use 4 bytes. It’s more effective if you’re using a tab (\t).

Tipos de datos en Php

PHP soporta ocho tipos primitivos.

Cuatro tipos escalares:
• boolean
• integer
• float (número de punto-flotante, también conocido como 'double')
• string

Dos tipos compuestos:
• array
• object

Y finalmente dos tipos especiales:
• resource

También algunos pseudo-tipos por razones de legibilidad:
• mixed
• number
• callback

Y la pseudo-variable $....

También puede encontrar algunas referencias al tipo "double". Considere al tipo double como el mismo que float, los dos nombres existen solo por razones históricas.

El tipo de una variable usualmente no es declarado por el programador; en cambio, es decidido en tiempo de compilación por PHP dependiendo del contexto en el que es usado la variable.
nota: Si desea chequear el tipo y valor de una cierta expresión, use var_dump().
Si tan solo desea una representación legible para humanos del tipo para propósitos de depuración, use gettype(). Para chequear por un cierto tipo, no use gettype(); en su lugar utilice las funciones is_tipo. Algunos ejemplos:

$un_bool = TRUE; // un valor booleano
$un_str = "foo"; // una cadena
$un_str2 = 'foo'; // una cadena
$un_int = 12; // un entero

echo gettype($un_bool); // imprime: boolean
echo gettype($un_str); // imprime: string

// Si este valor es un entero, incrementarlo en cuatro
if (is_int($un_int)) {
$un_int += 4;

// Si $bool es una cadena, imprimirla
// (no imprime nada)
if (is_string($un_bool)) {
echo "Cadena: $un_bool";

Si quisiera forzar la conversión de una variable a cierto tipo, puede moldear la variable, o usar la función settype() sobre ella.
Note que una variable puede ser evaluada con valores diferentes en ciertas situaciones, dependiendo del tipo que posee en cada momento.

Como manejar archivos con Php

Apertura de un archivo con PHP

La función utilizada para abrir un archivo en PHP es fopen, la sintaxis.


Path es la ruta completa del archivo a abrir, si el path comienza con “http://” se realiza una conexión a la URL indicada y se abre la página como si fuera un archivo (con las limitaciones lógicas, por ejemplo no es posible escribir).
Los modos en los que se puede abrir un archivo son:

r Sólo lectura
r+ Lectura y escritura
w Sólo escritura, si no existe el archivo lo crea, si existe lo trunca
w+ Lectura y escritura, si existe lo trunca, si no existe lo crea
a Modo append sólo escritura si no existe lo crea
a+ Modo append lectura y escritura si no existe lo crea

La función devuelve un file_handler que luego debe ser usado en todas las funciones de tipo fnombre_funcion, como por ejemplo fgets, fputs, fclose, fread, fwrite, etc.

Lectura desde un archivo con Php

Las funciones que pueden usarse para leer un archivo son:

string=fgets(file_handler, longitud) : Lee una línea de texto hasta el fin de línea o bien hasta que se cumpla la longitud indicada, devuelve el resultado en la variable pasada. El archivo debe estar abierto con fopen.

var=fread(file_handler, cantidad): Lee la cantidad de bytes indicados ignorando saltos de línea y deja el resultado en la variable var.


$buffer=fread($fp, 1024); //Lee 1Kb desde el archivo cuyo handler es $fp

string=fgetss(file_handler, longitud) Idéntica a fgets con la diferencia de que los tags html son eliminados del archivo a medida que se lee el mismo. Opcionalmente puede pasarse una lista de tags que no deben ser eliminados.


$string=fgetss($fp,999999,”<b> <i> <table> <tr> <td>”);

Lee una línea (de cualquier longitud) eliminando los tags html excepto los indicados como segundo parámetro. Los tags que cierran los tags especificados en la lista de tags permitidos tampoco son eliminados.

Escritura a un archivo con Php

fwrite(file_handler, variable, longitud);

Escribe la variable al archivo indicado por file_handler. Si esta indicado el parámetro “longitud” (que es opcional) se escribirán tantos bytes como la longitud indicada por dicho parámetro o como la longitud de la variable, en aquellos casos en que el parámetro longitud es mayor que la longitud de la variable.
La función devuelve la cantidad de bytes escritos en el archivo.


$q = fwrite($fp,$buffer,999999);

fputs es idéntico a fwrite y funciona de la misma manera. (es un alias).

Cierre de archivos con Php


Cierra un archivo abierto con fopen.

Fin de archivo con Php

boolean = feof(file_handler);

Devuelve verdadero si no quedan más bytes para leer en el archivo o si se produce algún tipo de error al leer.

while(!feof($fp)) {

Manejo de archivos con Php

PHP provee funciones para copiar, renombrar, mover y borrar archivos y directorios, las funciones son:

rename(path_origen, path_destino); Renombra un archivo.


unlink(path_a_borrar); Elimina un archivo.

rmdir(directorio_a_borrar); Elimina un directorio (debe estar vacío)

mkdir(path_a_crear); Crea un directorio Nuevo.

copy(path_origen, path_destino); Copia un archivo o varios.

Otras funciones útiles con Php

fseek(file_handler,posicion,desde) Posiciona el puntero de lectura/escritura de un archivo en el offset indicado. El parámetro “desde” es opcional y puede tomar uno de los siguientes valores:

SEEK_SET (el offset es absoluto)
SEEK_CUR (el offset es relativo a la posición actual)
SEEK_END (el offset es desde el final del archivo)

El default es SEEK_SET

ftruncate(file_handler, longitud) Trunca el archivo indicado a la longitud en bytes especificada.

array=file(path) Lee un archivo de texto y devuelve un vector donde cada elemento del vector es una línea del archivo.

file_exists(path) Devuelve true/false según el path indicado exista o

filemtime(path) Devuelve la fecha de última modificación de un archivo en formato Unix. (ver manejo de fechas)

filesize(path) Devuelve el tamaño de un archivo.

filetype(path) Devuelve el tipo de un archivo.

flock(file_handler,modo) Lockea un archivo (independientemente del filesystem),
el modo puede ser:

1: Lock en modo lectura (compartido)
2: Lock en modo escritura (exclusivo)
3: Release del lock adquirido.

Al hacer un fclose del archivo se liberan automáticamente los locks adquiridos sobre el mismo.
Si flock no puede obtener el lock espera hasta que el lock este disponible, si se quiere que flock no bloquee el script sumar 4 al modo (modos: 5,6,7) y consultar por el valor devuelto por la función: true si el lock fue adquirido o false si no fue adquirido. Usando esta función pueden implementarse mecanismos de sincronización entre procesos.

fpassthru(file_handler) Escribe al standard_output el contenido del archivo.

readfile(path) Lee todo el archivo y lo escribe al standard output.

is_dir(path) True/false según el path sea un directorio

is_file(path) True/false según el path sea un archivo

tempnam(path) Dado el nombre de un directorio devuelve un nombre de archivo que no existe en el directorio dado (útil para crear archivos temporarios)

Manejo de directorios con Php

Las siguientes funciones de PHP están orientadas a recorrer directorios y obtener los archivos que se encuentran dentro de ellos. Las funciones son independientes del file-system con lo cual funcionan correctamente tanto en UNIX como en Windows.

directory_handle = opendir(path);
Abre el directorio pasado como parámetro y devuelve un handler al directorio, previamente puede usarse la función is_dir(path) para verificar si el path es un directorio en caso de que esta validación sea necesaria.

string = readdir(directory_handler)
Lee la próxima entrada en el directorio abierto con opendir, usualmente las dos primeras entradas de un directorio con “.” y “..” por lo que el código que procesa los archivos del directorio debe tener esto en cuenta para no procesar dichas entradas en caso de que tal cosa no sea deseable.

Cierra un handler abierto con opendir.

Rebobina el puntero interno de un directorio para que apunte nuevamente al comienzo del mismo.

check array index or key with user inputs in php

check_array_key.php :



if (array_key_exists($key, $num1))
echo 'array index/key :<b> '.$key.' </b> found<br>';
echo 'array index/key :<b> '.$key.' </b> not found<br>';


check_array_index.php :

<center><b>here checks index is in array or not</b><br><br>
<form action="check_array_key.php" method="POST">
<input type="textbox" name="key">
<input type="submit" name="submit">

input :

1) give the array index value in text box
2) click on button

ex :


here "0-9" and "a" are  indexes

"1-10" and "A" are values


output :

array index/key : not found

array index/key : 1 found

Speed optimization

As with many scripting languages, PHP scripts are normally kept as human-readable source code, even on production web servers. Therefore, these PHP scripts will be compiled at runtime by the PHP engine. Compiling at runtime increases the execution time of the script because it adds an extra step in runtime. PHP scripts can be compiled before runtime using PHP compilers just like other programming languages such as C (the programming language PHP is programmed in, and which is used to program PHP extensions).

Code optimizers improve the quality of the compiled code by reducing its size and making changes that can reduce the execution time and improve performance. The nature of the PHP compiler is such that there are often opportunities for code optimization, and an example of a code optimizer is the Zend Optimizer PHP extension.

PHP accelerators can offer significant performance gains by caching the compiled form of a PHP script in shared memory to avoid the overhead of parsing and compiling the code every time the script runs.

arrays display in php



echo '<br>'.$alphabate[0].'<br>';
echo $alphabate[1].'<br>';
echo $alphabate[2].'<br>';
echo $alphabate[3].'<br>';
echo $alphabate[4];


output :
Array ( [0] => A [1] => B [2] => C [3] => D [4] => E )

Capítulo 19: Funciones adicionales de PHP


Una de las características importantes en lenguajes orientados a objetos o lenguajes de scripting modernos es la persistencia, un objeto persistente es aquel que puede almacenarse en un medio de almacenamiento secundario (un archivo o una base de datos) para luego recuperarlo. PHP provee de dos funciones que permiten realizar esto serializando y des-serializando variables de PHP.


Recibe cualquier variable de PHP incluso un objeto y devuelve un string que es una representación de la variable, dicho string puede almacenarse en un archivo o una base de datos para lograr persistencia.


Recibe un string que es la serialización de una variable, des-serializa y asigna a la variable pasada. Para desserializar un objeto es necesario que el script que usa unserialize disponga de la definición de la clase.

Funciones de hashing y encriptación:


Devuelve un string de 32 bytes que es un “digest” del string original, es decir aplica al string original una función de hashing unidireccional.


Encripta un string usando el método unidireccional de Unix, usado por ejemplo para almacenar passwords, el string devuelto es de extensión variable. No se puede desencriptar.

Generación de identificadores únicos:


Construye un identificador único tomando como base un string pasado, por ejemplo para generar identificadores únicos de 32 bits aleatorios se usa:

$better_token = md5 (uniqid (rand()));

Ejecución de codigo PHP:


Evalúa el string como si fuera código PHP y lo ejecuta.



Imprime hola como si se ejecutara la instrucción print, la función eval es útil en varios casos por ejemplo para guardar código PHP en un archivo o base de datos y luego recuperarlo y ejecutarlo dinámicamente (por ejemplo para que usuarios de un web site suban sus propios scripts PHP) o bien usando funciones de parsing XML para insertar en XML processing-instructions de tipo y luego en el script php que parsea el XML ejecutar el código php con eval.

Control del script:


Hace una pause de la cantidad de segundos indicados.


Termina la ejecución del script imprimiendo el string pasado.


Finaliza la ejecución del script.

Manejo de URLs


Decodifica un string encodeado en base64.


Codifica un string a base64.


Codifica un string de acuerdo a RFC1738 es decir reemplaza todos los caracteres que no sean alfanuméricos o “_”,”.“,”-“ por un signo “%” seguido de una representación hexadecimal del caracter de acuerdo a RFC1738, los espacios en blanco se codifican como %20 por ejemplo. Este formato es “seguro” para pasarlo como query_string en un URL

Ejemplo tipico:



Decodifica un string encodeado con urlencode.


Recibe un string representando una URL y devuelve un vector asociativo de donde pueden recuperarse las sigiuientes claves: "scheme", "host", "port", "path", "query"


Scheme : http
Host :
Port : 8080
Path : /pruebas/coso.php
Query : hola=5&cosa=6

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

After installing Apache PHP MySQL successfully on Vista.
I expected everything to run smoothly. But, it was really
not the case. As I tried to connect to MySQL using PHP code,
I got stuck with the following error:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()"

But, finally I cracked the problem. If the same problem
is annoying you, please follow the solution below:

To connect PHP to MySQL "php_mysql.dll" is required.
We need to mention the location "php_mysql.dll" in
"php.ini"(configuration file).

1)Open "php.ini" in some text editor.2) Search for the line
"extension_dir = "./" " and mentionthe path of "ext" folder
in place of "./". For example if youhave installed PHP in
"C:/program Files" then change"extension_dir = "./" " to
"extension_dir = "C:/Program Files/php/ext" ".

3) Search for the line "extension=modulename.extension"
(You will find it in Dynamic Extensions) and change it to

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Difference between single quotes and double quotes in PHP Coding

Most of us use only Double Quotes ["] when writing PHP code. it seems like the trivial thing to do and most examples out there show this kind of syntax. However, there is also a 2nd way to go and it's the better way to go. Instead of Double Quotes, just use Simple Quotes.

echo "My Name is $name.";

However, using single quotes forces variables to be outside the quotes; instead, you must use theperiod (.) to combine strings. It makes for faster coding but can be more difficult for other programmers to read.

echo 'My Name is ' . $date[?day?] ';

The use of single and double quotes also applies to associative arrays. The associative entry team on the left side needs to have single quotes around it; otherwise, PHP will think it's a define and give you a warning message (only if error reporting is at maximum). I would recommend that the code should look like this:

$SESSION['team'] = $SESSION['old_team'];

Load balancing using Mod_Rewrite and perl

In computer networking, load balancing is a technique to spread work between two or more computers, network links, CPUs, hard drives, or other to improve the performance.Here is the way to implement load balancing using mod_rewrite.
Proxy Throughput Round-Robin
suppose we want load balancing between 5 different Servers.In this variant we use mod_rewrite and its proxy throughput feature. First we dedicate to be actually by using a single entry in DNS.

www    IN  CNAME
Now make this server as proxy server which will redirect requests to all other servers.we first establish a ruleset which contacts a load balancing script for all URLs using .htaccess file.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteMap lb prg:/path/to/
RewriteRule ^/(.+)$ ${lb:$1} [P,L]

Then we write

## -- load balancing script

$| = 1;

$name = "www"; # the hostname base
$first = 1; # the first server (not 0 here, because 0 is myself)
$last = 5; # the last server in the round-robin
$domain = "foo.dom"; # the domainname

$cnt = 0;
while () {
$cnt = (($cnt+1) % ($last+1-$first));
$server = sprintf("%s%d.%s", $name, $cnt+$first, $domain);
print "http://$server/$_";


That's are done.Now this server will act as proxy server and pass all requests to other servers one by one.

Data types

PHP stores whole numbers in a platform-dependent range. This range is typically that of 32-bit signed integers. Unsigned integers are converted to signed values in certain situations; this behavior is different from other programming languages. Integer variables can be assigned using decimal (positive and negative), octal, and hexadecimal notations. Real numbers are also stored in a platform-specific range. They can be specified using floating point notation, or two forms of scientific notation. PHP has a native Boolean type that is similar to the native Boolean types in Java and C++. Using the Boolean type conversion rules, non-zero values are interpreted as true and zero as false, as in Perl and C++. The null data type represents a variable that has no value. The only value in the null data type is NULL. Variables of the "resource" type represent references to resources from external sources. These are typically created by functions from a particular extension, and can only be processed by functions from the same extension; examples include file, image, and database resources. Arrays can contain elements of any type that PHP can handle, including resources, objects, and even other arrays. Order is preserved in lists of values and in hashes with both keys and values, and the two can be intermingled. PHP also supports strings, which can be used with single quotes, double quotes, or heredoc syntax.

The Standard PHP Library (SPL) attempts to solve standard problems and implements efficient data access interfaces and classes.

PHP include_once statement

PHP include_once statement is very similar to PHP include statement but the only difference is include_once statement include PHP file only one time in any page. On the other hand, PHP include statement include a file many times.  

The structure of PHP include_statement is 


Suppose that, we have three PHP file where first one has a function that print 0 to 10. Second PHP file include the first file and show the output. The third one add those two file. Now the code snippet are 
function foo()
    for($variable=0; $variable<10;$variable++)
        echo $variable;
        echo "<br>";
Now the second file which one show the function value and second file name is  second.php
Third file is third.php
Try to run the third code. This code show an error message like this

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare foo()  previously declared  

This occurs because foo function declare in two times. So we use include_once statement to solve this problem.


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