What is PHP?

PHP is a popular programming language for extending web pages with dynamic features. It is using small and big company, big project or very small project. It has wide-range usability. Youtube, Facebook and Joomla is written with PHP.

Php is powerfull and free. So, Everyone can use it for commercial. You can run your PHP script most of OS. Mac, Windows or Unix. You must just configure your server for PHP.

Php can be use with MySQL, MSSQL or other database. You can create your own dynamic web site in short time.

Here is simple PHP example;

@author PCoder
@copyright 2009
* Php Hello World

echo("Hello World "); /* Result: Hello World */
Print("Hello World "); /* Result: Hello World */

/* Define a var for Hello World */

$var = "Hello World ";
echo $var; /* You can use this : echo($var); */
print $var; /* You can use this : print($var); */