PHP script for Spell Check

This scirpt performs spell checking of text using only base PHP functions, thus without using specific spell check PHP extensions such as aspell or pspell. The class uses a dictionary that is implemented as an array-based binary search table. The binary search table declaration is saved to a file for speed and can be updated easily by the developer.

// To retrieve all of the resources for this class, please visit:

// File : Spell Check Class
// Author : Josmy Jose Eluvathingal (
// Date : Feb 29, 2008
// This class provides an API for spell checking a given string using pure
// php without the aid of any compiled php extensions. The spell checking
// occurs via the findNext() method which finds the next misspelled word
// from the string or returns false in the event that no further words have
// been misspelled. Suggestions can be implemented via the suggest()
// method which returns the closest node to the misspelled word that has
// not yet been returned. Updating misspelled words can be implemented via
// the change() and changeAll() methods. Ignoring functionality can be
// implemented via the ignore() method.
// The most basic application of this class would be:
// $class = SpellCheck($checkme);
// if($class->findNext())
// echo 'The first misspelled word is ' . $class->misspelling . '.';
// else
// echo 'This string has no mispelled words.';
// All further misspelled words can be found via
// while($class->findNext())
// echo "nThe next misspelled word is ' . $class->misspelling . '.';
// echo "nSpell Check Complete.";

class SpellCheck
$words; // an arrary of the words in the current traversal
var $ignore = array(); // an array of all the words to ignore
var $ignoreString; // a string containing all the words to ignore
var $string; // the string to be checked
var $adjustedString; // the string minus what was already checked
var $displayString; // the string to be displayed
var $suggestCount; // the number of suggestions made
var $strlen; // the strlen of the current word
var $prepStrlen; // the strlen of the current word mius garbage
var $strpos; // the current position in the current string
var $misspelling; // the misspelled word

// the array of suggestions
var $suggestions = array();

// the default constructor, takes an optional strpos, strlen and preplen
// for tracking your current position in a certain string
function SpellCheck($string, $strpos = 0, $strlen = 0, $preplen = 0)
// prepare the adjustedString depending on the position of
// string the current
$this->adjustedString = ($strpos == 0) ? $string :
substr($string, $strpos);

// Initialize all the vars
$this->strlen = $strlen;
$this->string = $string;
$this->strpos = $strpos;
$this->prepStrlen = $preplen;
$this->displayString = $string;
$this->suggestCount = 0;

// Replaces the currently misspelled word with the passed replacement value
function change($replacement)
$word = substr($this->string, $this->strpos - $this->strlen,
$replacement = stripslashes($this->adjustFirst($word, $replacement));
$this->string = substr_replace($this->string, $replacement,
$this->strpos - $this->strlen, $this->prepStrlen);
$this->strpos += strlen($replacement) - $this->strlen;
$this->adjustedString = substr($this->string, $this->strpos);

// Replaces all words matching the currently mispelled word with the passed
// replacement values
function changeAll($replacement)
$word = substr($this->string, $this->strpos - $this->strlen,
$replacement = stripslashes($this->adjustFirst($word, $replacement));
$adjustedString = substr($this->string, $this->strpos - $this->strlen);
$this->string = substr($this->string, 0, $this->strpos - $this->strlen);
preg_match_all("/([w'-]*)([^w'-]*)/",$adjustedString, $words);
$cnt = count($words[1]);
$i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++)
$words[1][$i] == $word)
$words[1][$i] = $replacement;
$this->string .= $words[1][$i] . $words[2][$i];
$this->strpos += strlen($replacement) - $this->strlen;
$this->adjustedString = substr($this->string, $this->strpos);

// If the first letter of the string to be changed is capitalized,
// then capitalize the first letter of its replacement
function adjustFirst($string1, $string2)
ord($string1) >= 65 && ord($string1) <= 90)
$string2{0} = strtoupper($string2{0});

// Ignores all the values passed in the list delimitted by spaces
function ignore($list)
$this->ignoreString = stripslashes($list);
$this->ignore = explode(' ', trim($this->ignoreString));

// Adds an item to the ignore list
function addIgnoreItem($item)
$item = trim(stripslashes($item));
$this->ignore[] = $item;
$this->ignoreString .= $item . ' ';

// Finds if a passed word exists in the dictionary bst
function find($word, $node)
$word = strtolower($word);
$node['d'] == $word) return true;
$node['d']) return false;
$this->suggestions[] = $node['d'];
return (
$word < $node['d']) ?
$this->find($word, $node['l'], $sug) :
$this->find($word, $node['r'], $sug);

// Chops off garbage from the end of a word
function prepare($word)

// Finds the next mispelled word that is not in the ignore list or returns
// false
function findNext()
// Makes the dictionary bst global
global $tree;

// Splits up all the words and put them in an array
preg_match_all("/([w'-]*[^w'-]*)/",$this->adjustedString, $words);
$this->words = $words[1];

// Get rid of the garbage

// Itterates through all the words in the string searching for mispelled
// words
foreach($this->words as $word)
$this->strlen = strlen($word);
$prepared_word = $this->prepare($word);
$this->find($prepared_word, $tree) &&
in_array($prepared_word, $this->ignore) &&
preg_match("/^[0-9'-]+$/", $prepared_word) &&
preg_match("/^[0-9]{2}[aApP][mM]$/", $prepared_word))
$this->prepStrlen = strlen($prepared_word);
$this->displayString = substr_replace($this->string,
"error">$prepared_word", $this->strpos,
$this->strpos += $this->strlen;
$this->misspelling = $prepared_word;
$this->strpos += $this->strlen;

// Returns the next suggestion in the suggestion list
function suggest()
return (
$this->suggestions && ++$this->suggestCount != 7) ?
array_pop($this->suggestions) : false;

Usage Example

See the example