This scirpt performs spell checking of text using only base PHP functions, thus without using specific spell check PHP extensions such as aspell or pspell. The class uses a dictionary that is implemented as an array-based binary search table. The binary search table declaration is saved to a file for speed and can be updated easily by the developer.
// To retrieve all of the resources for this class, please visit:
// File : Spell Check Class
// Author : Josmy Jose Eluvathingal (
// Date : Feb 29, 2008
// This class provides an API for spell checking a given string using pure
// php without the aid of any compiled php extensions. The spell checking
// occurs via the findNext() method which finds the next misspelled word
// from the string or returns false in the event that no further words have
// been misspelled. Suggestions can be implemented via the suggest()
// method which returns the closest node to the misspelled word that has
// not yet been returned. Updating misspelled words can be implemented via
// the change() and changeAll() methods. Ignoring functionality can be
// implemented via the ignore() method.
// The most basic application of this class would be:
// $class = SpellCheck($checkme);
// if($class->findNext())
// echo 'The first misspelled word is ' . $class->misspelling . '.';
// else
// echo 'This string has no mispelled words.';
// All further misspelled words can be found via
// while($class->findNext())
// echo "nThe next misspelled word is ' . $class->misspelling . '.';
// echo "nSpell Check Complete.";
class SpellCheck
var $words; // an arrary of the words in the current traversal
var $ignore = array(); // an array of all the words to ignore
var $ignoreString; // a string containing all the words to ignore
var $string; // the string to be checked
var $adjustedString; // the string minus what was already checked
var $displayString; // the string to be displayed
var $suggestCount; // the number of suggestions made
var $strlen; // the strlen of the current word
var $prepStrlen; // the strlen of the current word mius garbage
var $strpos; // the current position in the current string
var $misspelling; // the misspelled word
// the array of suggestions
var $suggestions = array();
// the default constructor, takes an optional strpos, strlen and preplen
// for tracking your current position in a certain string
function SpellCheck($string, $strpos = 0, $strlen = 0, $preplen = 0)
// prepare the adjustedString depending on the position of
// string the current
$this->adjustedString = ($strpos == 0) ? $string :
substr($string, $strpos);
// Initialize all the vars
$this->strlen = $strlen;
$this->string = $string;
$this->strpos = $strpos;
$this->prepStrlen = $preplen;
$this->displayString = $string;
$this->suggestCount = 0;
// Replaces the currently misspelled word with the passed replacement value
function change($replacement)
$word = substr($this->string, $this->strpos - $this->strlen,
$replacement = stripslashes($this->adjustFirst($word, $replacement));
$this->string = substr_replace($this->string, $replacement,
$this->strpos - $this->strlen, $this->prepStrlen);
$this->strpos += strlen($replacement) - $this->strlen;
$this->adjustedString = substr($this->string, $this->strpos);
// Replaces all words matching the currently mispelled word with the passed
// replacement values
function changeAll($replacement)
$word = substr($this->string, $this->strpos - $this->strlen,
$replacement = stripslashes($this->adjustFirst($word, $replacement));
$adjustedString = substr($this->string, $this->strpos - $this->strlen);
$this->string = substr($this->string, 0, $this->strpos - $this->strlen);
preg_match_all("/([w'-]*)([^w'-]*)/",$adjustedString, $words);
$cnt = count($words[1]);
for($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++)
if($words[1][$i] == $word)
$words[1][$i] = $replacement;
$this->string .= $words[1][$i] . $words[2][$i];
$this->strpos += strlen($replacement) - $this->strlen;
$this->adjustedString = substr($this->string, $this->strpos);
// If the first letter of the string to be changed is capitalized,
// then capitalize the first letter of its replacement
function adjustFirst($string1, $string2)
if(ord($string1) >= 65 && ord($string1) <= 90)
$string2{0} = strtoupper($string2{0});
return $string2;
// Ignores all the values passed in the list delimitted by spaces
function ignore($list)
$this->ignoreString = stripslashes($list);
$this->ignore = explode(' ', trim($this->ignoreString));
// Adds an item to the ignore list
function addIgnoreItem($item)
$item = trim(stripslashes($item));
$this->ignore[] = $item;
$this->ignoreString .= $item . ' ';
// Finds if a passed word exists in the dictionary bst
function find($word, $node)
$word = strtolower($word);
if($node['d'] == $word) return true;
if(!$node['d']) return false;
$this->suggestions[] = $node['d'];
return ($word < $node['d']) ?
$this->find($word, $node['l'], $sug) :
$this->find($word, $node['r'], $sug);
// Chops off garbage from the end of a word
function prepare($word)
return preg_replace("/([w'-]*)[^w'-]/",'$1',$word);
// Finds the next mispelled word that is not in the ignore list or returns
// false
function findNext()
// Makes the dictionary bst global
global $tree;
// Splits up all the words and put them in an array
preg_match_all("/([w'-]*[^w'-]*)/",$this->adjustedString, $words);
$this->words = $words[1];
// Get rid of the garbage
// Itterates through all the words in the string searching for mispelled
// words
foreach($this->words as $word)
$this->strlen = strlen($word);
$prepared_word = $this->prepare($word);
if(!$this->find($prepared_word, $tree) &&
!in_array($prepared_word, $this->ignore) &&
!preg_match("/^[0-9'-]+$/", $prepared_word) &&
!preg_match("/^[0-9]{2}[aApP][mM]$/", $prepared_word))
$this->prepStrlen = strlen($prepared_word);
$this->displayString = substr_replace($this->string,
"error">$prepared_word", $this->strpos,
$this->strpos += $this->strlen;
$this->misspelling = $prepared_word;
return true;
$this->strpos += $this->strlen;
return false;
// Returns the next suggestion in the suggestion list
function suggest()
return ($this->suggestions && ++$this->suggestCount != 7) ?
array_pop($this->suggestions) : false;