First impressions are vital to a successful interview. Make sure you have followed the guidelines to dressing professionally for the interview. For men, a smart looking suit with all the accessories. For women, a business suit with limited jewelry. Your clothing should be clean and wrinkle free.
* Trial run of the travel route
See how long it takes you to get from start to finish. See if there is construction or an overload of traffic that could possibly cause adelay in your arrival at the interview. Find out where you will be parking. If there are parking meters, make sure you have enough change available on the day of your interview. There’s nothing worse than being unprepared.
* Don’t arrive too early or too late
A person who arrives hours before their assigned interview time will be perceived as someone who has nothing else to do. Arriving too late will not only make you seem unreliable, but it will stress you out and that is no way to start off an interview.
* Greet the receptionist with respect
Often this is one of the deciding factors to be considered if the company is making a decision about two candidates. The interviewer may ask the receptionist after you leave how you treated them. How you conduct yourself with employees will help you clear that first important hurdle.
* Give a firm and quick handshake
This goes for women too! Don’t shake their arm up and down or make them pull away because it lasts too long. Smile and look the interviewer in the eyes and introduce yourself with all the confidence in the world. If you want this job, you need to appear enthusiastic about meeting them.
* Breathe!
Seriously, it will relax you and calm any anxiety you might be experiencing. EVERYONE has felt this way, including the person interviewing you.
This is not a social event; it is about business. Let the interviewer set the tone and pace of the interview now. Many interviewers dislike chatty applicants. You will know if you are talking too much because your interviewer will look bored. If the interviewer finds interest in the way you are answering the questions, keep that style. Don’t be reluctant to toot your own horn, campaign for yourself by suggesting how you can become an integral part of the organization with your special skills and talents. You are there to sell yourself to the interviewer.
* Any questions? ASK !
Do not shrug your shoulders like a goober and say no. This is your chance to ask well thought out questions that you want to know as a result of your research on the company beforehand. This information can be found in newspapers, business directories and nowadays all over the Internet. Other questions that would be appropriate at this time in the interview are about office attire, other responsibilities you might have besides the ones mentioned as a job description. You can also ask when the final decision will be made on the position.
You do not even have the job yet! That part comes with the job offer interview. The focus now should be on all your extraordinary qualities that make you more valuable than the other candidates.
* Get Business cards from Interviewers
Most interviewers will give out their business cards but if they do not, request one. This will serve two purposes. It will give you the name, address and phone number for sending a thank you note after the interview. Secondly, it will give you the person to contact so you can follow up on the interview process.
* Be positive and enthusiastic
Make sure you sell yourself without exaggerating. This is your moment to shine and prove that you are the most viable candidate for the job opening.
This is very appropriate and important and a step above other candidates.
After the interview is over and you have left the office, take a moment to analyze your answers to their questions. Jot down some areas that you feel could have gone better and go get something to eat and calm down. The worst part is over. Until the next job interview