Who is online


Execute the following query to create the MySQL table:
CREATE TABLE myphp_who (
who_sessid varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
who_mem bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
who_what text NOT NULL,
who_date varchar(12) NOT NULL default ''

Place the who.php in the root folder (or somewhere else)
Make sure the CHMod is properly set to 755 or 777

2) USE Who is online

You can use the following example code:


DO THIS IN THE TOP OF YOUR PHP PAGE!! Otherwise you will get errors from
the start of the sessions....

Just include at every page who.php (or else if you renamed it)
Call function track( string [,member_id] );

Want to see the details of who are online?? Call the page: who.php?action=who
Or if you want to include that page into your own page, call function who()
after include("who.php");

Want to see how many visitors/members there are? call function now_online()
after include("who.php");

Download Link:
