Edit Assignment #2: Basically meets the requirements.
File edited:
1) headerINC.php, Time spent: 10 mins
Learnt: How the include a file to construct a header.
2) hNavINC.php, Time spent: 10 mins
Learnt: How to include a file to construct a header.
3) navINC.php, Time spent: 10 mins
Learnt: How to include a file to construct a navigation column.
4) footerINC.php, Time spent: 10 mins
Learnt: How to include a file to construct a footer.
5) template2.css, Time spent: 5 mins
Learnt: To include a cuscading style sheet to make simple changes affecting al files that include it.
6) index.php, Time spent: 1 hr 30 mins
Learnt: To use template, include PHP files, array, and CSS.
7) email.php, Time spent: 1 hr 20 mins
Learnt: To create a form to send e-mail back to the author, or any other targeted receiver. Also to use template, include PHP files, array, and CSS.
8) const.php is update with new links.
9) pagedesc.xls is updated with new files created.
10) theSitePlan.doc remain the same.