Image uploading in PHP

Simple image uploading script in PHP.
First; create a file, and copy-paste above code into this file.  After your form is fine, create a new file that named upload.php this file contains our main uploading action. When you are done, create a folder where we store images. That is all, now you can upload images.

<!-- Form Area -->
<form enctype= "multipart/form-data" action= "upload.php" method= "post" >
Select Image: <input type= "file" name= "userfile" >
<input type= "submit" value= "Upload!" >
<!-- Form Area -->


# Variables
$path = "images/"
$max_size = "200000" ;

# File
$filename = $_POST [ 'userfile' ] ;

# Control
if ( !isset ( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] ) ) exit;

if ( is_uploaded_file ( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'tmp_name' ] ) ) {

if ( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'size' ] >$max_size ) {
echo "The File is Too Big. The Max File Size is $max_size KB<br>n"

# Type Control
if (
( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'type' ] == "image/gif" )    ||         
( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'type' ] == "image/jpg" )    ||   
( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'type' ] == "image/bmp" )    ||
( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'type' ] == "image/png" )    ||
( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'type' ] == "image/jpeg" )

# If File Exist
if ( file_exists ( $path . $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'name' ] ) )
echo "A File With That Name Already Exists!<br>"

$res = copy ( $HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'tmp_name' ] , $path .

$HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'name' ] ) ;
if ( !$res ) {
echo "Upload Failed!<br>"
else {
echo "Upload Sucessful!<br>"

echo "File Name: " .$HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'name' ] . "<br>" ;
echo "File Size: " .$HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'size' ] . " bytes<br>" ;
echo "File Type: " .$HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'type' ] . "<br>" ;
echo "<a href=$path" .$HTTP_POST_FILES [ 'userfile' ] [ 'name' ] . ">View Image</a>" ;
echo "Wrong File Type<br>"
