
The ListDeleteAt function is a neat little coldfusion function and works just as well in PHP. This function is good for removing counted values from lists. I use it a lot in conjunction with other list functions.
The Function:

function ListDeleteAt($list,$position,$delimiter)
$delimiter = substr($delimiter, 1);
$a = explode($delimiter,$list);

if($i != $position)
if(! isset($return))
$return = $a[$i];
$return .= $delimiter . $a[$i];
return $return;


To use the ListDeleteAt function with the default delimiter ',':

$list = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g";

$position = 3;
echo ListDeleteAt($list,$position);
The Result: a,b,d,e,f,g. The 'c' which was in the third position has noe been removed!

To use the ListDeleteAt function with a custom delimiter:

$list = "12345";

$position = 2;
echo ListDeleteAt($list,$position);

The Result: '1345'. The '2' which was in the second position has noe been removed!